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Search - inprojal elektrosysteme

Search operators

You can find a targeted document of our website by posting a request to our search machine using logical operators and special characters.

On the one hand a rough definition of a search word is possible, on the other hand the correlation of multiple search words within a request is possible.

Special characters in a word:

? You can use the symbol '?' at the place of a character in the case that you, for example are not sure of the spelling:  ' Ma? rolon' finds 'Makrolon' and 'Macrolon'.
* The symbol '*' replaces different characters within a word - for example: 'Polyurethan*' would find both 'Polyurethane' and  'Polyurethanes'.

Two words connected by a search word:

AND You will find only documents containing both words being specified.
OR You will find all documents containing at least one of the words.
NOT You will find all documents in which the first word is included and the second one is not.